Leader Resources
- Review the memory verse of the week, and talk about how it relates to the Truth section.
- TRUTH – You can discuss any of the in Bible questions you would like to address. Here are some tips that may help:
- Genesis 18:16-19 – God’s covenant with Abraham was intended to bring him and his descendants into relationship with God. This didn’t mean that every one of them would walk in His ways and rightly relate to Him. But, it did mean that every one of them could learn of God’s promises and commands from their fathers. Thus each was born into a community of faith that understood God’s requirements and experienced His blessing.
- Mark 10:13-16 – “…for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” In this statement, Jesus taught that the simple, trusting faith of children is the model of saving faith for people of all ages. Their example should be followed.
- Acts 2:22-41, 16:25-34 – In both of these passages, someone asks how salvation is achieved. The answer given is that repentance and faith in Jesus Christ is the only condition required to receive forgiveness of sins. And this promise of salvation is offered with this condition to all, young and old alike.
- Romans 2:25-3:4 – In 3:2, Paul only mentions the advantage of knowing the “oracle”, or declared will of God. This was a great advantage for the Old Covenant Jew, who unlike gentiles, knew God’s promises and requirements. There are many other advantages to being part of God’s covenant people, including the assurance of God’s protection, provision, guidance and discipline to name a few. Children of Christian families also experience these same advantages, plus they have the advantage of learning the gospel from a very young age. While this is no guarantee that each child of a Christian family will become a follower of Christ, Christian parents can certainly expect that the spiritual advantages their children receive will bear the fruit of repentance and faith in most instances.
- Ephesians 6:1-4 – Help the parents in your JG to wrestle with the responsibility God has laid on them. Help them understand that their responsibility must be met with action. (You can reference the principles listed in last week’s material). However, help them to understand that while their responsibility is to invest in their children’s spiritual development, that responsibility does not extend as far as their children’s eternal destiny. Their children bear that responsibility before God.
- TRUTH – Use your discussion time to focus on the two errors described on page 5 of the unit material. Many parents are far too passive about their spiritual responsibility regarding their children. Others, especially those with older wayward children, may carry unnecessary guilt, or misguided hopes. Challenge all of these parents to accept the reality of their responsibility, not for their children’s eternal destiny, but for their spiritual training. Challenge them to recommit themselves to their parental responsibility, while reminding them that they will find God’s forgiveness for parental failings at the cross.
- EQUIPPING – This time may be spent sharing your JG member’s written prayers. Or, you may spend this time in actual prayer for each parent and his or her children. Some may be particularly anxious about his or her children’s spiritual condition.
- ACCOUNTABILITY – Allow time for smaller groups of 2 or 3 to ask accountability questions and pray for one another.
- MISSION – Give your JG sufficient time to talk about missed opportunities and use the discussion to encourage your JG to be more intentional about creating and taking advantage of opportunities. Reinforce the idea that prayer is the key. God will open doors of opportunity as people pray, asking God to use them as His ambassadors. Invite a few of your JG members to share what they recorded in the Mission Activity Log as a way to encourage others to make use of this tool. Consider discussing your availability during the summer months to meet with your JG members for coaching, encouragement and accountability.