Leader Resources
- Any remaining JG members should recite the books of the New Testament for this meeting.
- TRUTH – The focus this week is on making a grace-motivated commitment to receiving the Lord’s Table as often as opportunity is offered.
- Exodus 12:1-28: The Passover meal was eaten as the Israelites were dressed and ready for a quick departure. God made this a prominent feature of the Passover meal to give Israel a picture (a memory aid, if you will) that would give them an annual reminder of God’s faithfulness to His promise to deliver, and the swiftness of His deliverance. The killing of the Passover Lamb reminded Israel that redemption required a costly sacrifice of the innocent in exchange for the guilty. The Passover Lamb is a typological symbol that foreshadowed Christ, our Passover Lamb (John 1 :29; 1 Corinthians 5:7o).
- 1 Corinthians 11:17-32: The Lord’s Table is a picture that focuses our attention on the cross (past), our current relationship with God and His people (present), and the hope of Christ’s return (future).
- TRUTH – The focus this week is on making a grace-motivated commitment to receiving the Lord’s Table as often as opportunity is offered. Here are some primary discussion points from Unit 4:
- The Lord’s Table was never meant to be optional, nor a drudgery. It is a high privilege. (Consider discussing this point as an introduction to the Equipping discussion.)
- To rightly receive the Lord’s Table requires self-examination.
- When we receive the Lord’s Table we have an opportunity to:
- Engage the mind by recalling the cross and the benefits we undeservedly receive.
- Engage the emotions by reliving the anguish of the cross.
- Engage the will by recommitting our vows to Christ.
- EQUIPPING – Use the self-evaluation question to help launch a discussion of attitudes toward the Lord’s Table. The goal of this section is to help your JG members think about where they are, where they want to be, and what they need to do to get there, in terms of their commitment to receiving the Lord’s Table.
- MISSION – Discuss the prayer walking experience. Ask 1 or 2 people to share what they wrote about the experience.