Leader Resources
- Review the memory verse of the week.
- TRUTH – Discuss any of the In Bible questions. Ask your JG to share their personal applications of these verses. Their personal applications should start with the word “I” – e.g. “I will (with God’s help) …” If they haven’t written down personal applications, or if their applications aren’t specific and measurable, coach them on doing this. Application is the hardest thing the student of the Bible has to learn.
- TRUTH – Review the to summarize section. Make sure your JG understands this point: “In both His nature and His behavior, God is the ultimate standard of what is morally right and good and just. All His will, works, decrees, commands, warnings, judgments, promises, blessings, and mercies are necessarily righteous, just, and good.” Then ask your group to discuss what difference this makes in their lives.
- EQUIPPING – Discuss any of the equipping questions you wish, but emphasize the practical applications of God’s righteousness – trust in difficulty, hope in the gospel, and gaining assurance of salvation.
- ACCOUNTABILITY – Allow time for smaller groups of 2 or 3 to ask accountability questions, and pray for one another.
- MISSION – During this section of The Journey you will organize your JG to participate in a service project in order to demonstrate the gospel. The discipleship and outreach ministries of your church leadership will inform and equip you for leading your group in this project. Try to involve everyone in your JG in a discussion of the mission service project. Make sure everyone has an opportunity to share in the preparation and/or execution of the project. For more info, contact the discipleship ministry at Perimeter Church.