Knowing God – Unit 2



Prepare for your upcoming service project

Leader Resources


  • Review memory verse of the week, and discuss how it relates to the Truth section.



  • TRUTH – Discuss any of the in Bible questions you choose, but don’t take time to discuss them all. Ask your JG to share their personal applications of the verses you do discuss. Their personal applications should start with the word “I” – e.g. “I will (with God’s help) …” If they haven’t written down personal applications, or if their applications aren’t specific and measurable, coach them on doing this. Application is the hardest thing the student of the Bible has to learn. Here are some tips for discussion:
    • Genesis 28:10-17 – The vision of the ladder signified that Jacob was not alone in the world. God was actively involved in his life carrying out His covenant promises. He was correct in thinking that God was in that place. But, it was not the place that was significant. This was not the “…gate of heaven” (v 17). God was showing Jacob that He would be with Jacob wherever he went.
    • Exodus 20:4-6 – The Second Commandments teaches us that God is unlike anything He has created, especially those creatures that have been given physical form. It teaches us that God does not have physical form and that representing Him as such defames His glory.
    • 1 Kings 8:22-30 – This passage shows us that God fills all His creation, that the Heavens are His dwelling place, and that His own creation cannot contain Him. He did not create in order to have a home. He is greater than creation.
    • Psalm 139:1-10 – This psalm shows us that God’s presence is inescapable. For the believer, this is good news. It means that we are never alone, unguarded, or abandoned.
    • Proverbs 15:29 – Even when God “withdraws” His presence, He is still present. Think of it as a withdrawal of His presence to bless. The usual term we use for this is God’s withdrawn favor.
    • Jeremiah 23:23-24 & Ephesians 4:6 – You can help your JG visualize transcendence with phrases like, greater than, ruling over. But transcendence does not mean that God is a distant, unconcerned Being. He is immanent, that is, He is involved, available, and concerned with the welfare of His creation and people.
    • Psalm 16:11 – God is present to bless
    • Amos 9:1-4 – God is present to judge
    • Colossians 1:17 – God is present to sustain
    • Hebrews 1:3 – God is present to sustain
    • Revelation 21:3-4 – God is present to bless
  • TRUTH – Review the to summarize section. Make sure your JG understands these logical consequences of the spirituality of God:
    • God is transcendent over His creation. He is not contained or dependent on it.
    • God is omnipresent throughout His creation. His full presence fills all things.
    • God is immanently involved with His creation. His people are not alone.
    • God is invisible to our physical senses unless He manifests Himself in some physical form.
  • EQUIPPING – This week you might try combining the Equipping and Accountability sections. Try dividing into small accountability groups and have each group discuss these questions, and then pray for one another.
  • ACCOUNTABILITY – allow time for smaller groups of 2 or 3 to ask accountability questions and pray for one another.
  • MISSION – Continue planning and discussing your upcoming mission service project. It is vital that you emphasize the purpose of this project as an exercise in developing a missional life. Discuss how your service project can be an opportunity to make the gospel known through deed – a demonstration of Christ’s compassion.