Leader Resources
- Review memory verse of the week. JG members should memorize either option a or b.
- 3 rd year members share their spiritual journey. Recruit 2nd year members for next week.
- Model the PRAISE outline for personal worship and the 5 Targets of Prayer using Matthew 7:24-27. The goal of this unit is to teach JG members how to embrace Christ in daily personal worship. A specific plan is given in order to help those who haven’t yet developed this spiritual habit. As the focus of your JG meeting, you will model a 20-minute personal worship experience using the PRAISE outline for Bible study and the 5 Targets of Prayer. It is important that you model the outline exactly for the sake of those JG members who do not have a devotional habit. Model it as if you were really having your personal worship time (except that you should read, think, and pray out loud), rather than “teaching” them how to do it. Afterward, you can discuss any questions that arise, provide coaching, and offer encouragement. Emphasize that you want your group members to succeed in forming this spiritual habit.
- For next week, recruit a 3rd year member to model a 20-minute personal worship experience again, just as outlined, using another passage from the Gospels.
- Introduce the 21 Day Personal Worship Journal. This Journal, based on PRAISE and the 5 Targets of Prayer, is available with this week’s lesson on the curriculum webpage. Some members may need your guidance in choosing a Bible reading plan. You can encourage those who don’t have an established Bible study plan to use the in Bible study passages each week.
- The goal of the 21 Day Personal Worship Journal is to help your JG establish the habit of daily personal worship. Randy likes to make a game of this exercise to motivate people. The goal is to create some fun and friendly competition without being legalistic. Here are the rules:
- JG members get to declare a “skip” day at the beginning. It can be any day of the week, but it has to be consistent and it shouldn’t change. Some might choose the day their JG meets, or Sunday due to services. The skip day doesn’t count toward the 21 days.
- Each week JG members tell the JG what day they’re on. (e.g. “day 19”)
- If someone misses a day they have to start over at day 1. 4. The goal is that everyone would complete 21 days before the holiday break.
- Probe the group’s current thinking on prayer. Try to uncover any misconceptions about prayer.
- Explore and explain the PRAISE outline for personal worship and the 5 Targets of Prayer. Your goal should be to make it seem simple and motivate your JG members to begin personal worship.
- Discuss 1 or 2 of the equipping questions. Provide time for accountability questions.
- Discuss what it means to live a missional life starting with this definition: A missional life is one that is motivated by the gospel to take up Jesus’ mission. You might also use the baseball analogy in your discussion.