Leader Resources
- 1st year members share their spiritual journey.
- 2nd year member will model a 20-minute time of personal worship. Recruit another 2nd or 3rd year member for next week.
- Optional: break into smaller groups so 3rd year members can coach 1st years in personal worship.
- Talk about progress in 21 days of personal worship.
- JG Members may have written questions regarding the Truth section this week.
- Discuss how the spiritual reality of a believer’s union with Christ relates to our spiritual responsibility to be filled with the spirit. Make sure the JG clearly understands that their union with Christ through the Spirit empowers them to struggle against sin. Also point out that the struggle is won by surrendering control to the Holy Spirit. Talk about “Spiritual Breathing”.
- Discuss 1 or 2 of the equipping questions, and provide time for accountability questions
- Discuss the motivation for missional living – the gospel. The gospel itself is the motivation for missional living. It creates in us Christ’s compassion for the least and lost. Discuss how one may grow in developing a missional heart.