Leader Resources
- Review the memory verse of the week.
- 2nd year JG members should share their testimony this week. Remind your JG of the importance of mastering this exercise.
- TRUTH – Make sure your JG understands the content of the Truth section. Invite questions. Review a few of the IN BIBLE questions, especially the 3rd and 4th questions that focus on application of the scripture, while avoiding the performance mentality. Encourage your JG to read “Finding Your Million Dollar Mate”, by Randy Pope. It is a quick read, and expands on the principles taught in this unit. It will be especially relevant for singles, or parents of teens, in your group. Discuss ways that spiritual life impacts the long-term quality of married life.
- WIVES: discuss ways to support the spiritual growth of their husbands.
- HUSBANDS: discuss ways to invest in the spiritual growth of their wives.
- SINGLES: discuss the 2nd Equipping question.
- ALL: discuss the 4th Equipping question.
- ACCOUNTABILITY – allow time for smaller groups of 2 or 3 to ask accountability questions and pray for one another.
- MISSION – Be sure to allow adequate time for 2nd year members to share their 60-Second Testimony, and receive coaching.
- MISSION – Invite a few JG members to share their experience having a spiritual conversation with their spouse, potential spouse, or accountability partner.