God Honoring Parenting – Unit 4



Read your book selection from the Recommended Reading list

  • “Shepherding Your Child’s Heart”, by Tedd Tripp
  • “Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens”, by Paul David Tripp
  • “Grace Based Parenting”, by Dr. Tim Kimmel
  • “How Children Raise Parents: The Art of Listening to Your Family”, by Dr. Dan Allender
  • “Don’t Make Me Count to Three”, by Ginger Plowman


Complete and hand in to your group lead Semester II Spiritual Assessment


Continue your Mission Activity Log

Leader Resources


  • Review the memory verse of the week and talk about how it relates to the Truth section.



  • Truth – You can discuss any of the in Bible questions you would like to address. One of the goals of this week’s study was to help your JG members think critically about using “the rod” as a means of corrective discipline. The answer key that follows will help you suggest possible interpretations for each of the Proverbs your JG studied this week. Allow your JG to discuss any of the principles of corrective discipline that interest them.

Proverbs 13:34

The wrong motive…

hate (a lack of concern for my child’s spiritual character)

leads to…

negligence in corrective discipline


The right motive…

love (primary concern for my child’s spiritual character)

leads to…

consistent corrective discipline

Proverbs 22:15

The problem…

The normal state of my child’s heart is inclined toward irresponsibility and foolishness


The solution…

The rod of corrective discipline helps to train my child in the way of the Lord

Proverbs 23:13-14

The feared result of using the rod…

My child will suffer lifelong physical or emotional injury


The actual result of using the rod…

Save soul from Sheol (corrective discipline will help guide my child away from unrighteousness that leads to eternal death)

Proverbs 29:15

The result of using the rod…

My child will gain a heart of wisdom – thinking about God, himself and the world


The result of neglecting the rod…

My child’s lifestyle will bring shame and disgrace to his mother

    • Proverbs 22:6 – This proverb warns that children, left uncorrected in their ways, will develop destructive habits of life and thought that are rarely, if ever, changed as adults.
    • Hebrews 12:1-11 – This passage teaches that God’s purpose in discipline is the development of righteousness and that His motive is love. Therefore, corrective discipline is not contrary to love. In fact, withholding appropriate corrective discipline is a very unloving thing to do because it fails to serve the best interests of an erring child.
  • Truth – Be sure to connect the ideas found in Ephesians 6:4 with the theme of making the home a place of worship with these key points:
    • Parents have a shepherding, or pastoral, role in the lives of their children.
    • A home can only function as a church when children have a healthy relationship with their pastor/parents.
    • A home can only function as a church when children receive the instruction and discipline of the Lord from their pastor/parents.
    • The instruction and discipline of the Lord must be both proactive/preventive and reactive/corrective.
  • Equipping – Allow adequate time for your JG to discuss any of the equipping questions. Encourage the parents in your group who want to share their successes or failings.
  • Accountability – Allow time for smaller groups of 2 or 3 to ask accountability questions and to pray for one another.
  • Mission – Give your JG sufficient time to talk about missed missional opportunities and use the discussion to encourage your JG to be more intentional about creating and taking advantage of future opportunities. Reinforce the idea that prayer is the key. God will open doors of opportunity as people pray, asking God to use them as His ambassadors.
    Invite a few of your JG members to share what they recorded in the Mission Activity Log as a way to encourage others to make use of this tool. Consider discussing your availability during the summer months to meet with your JG members for coaching, encouragement and accountability.