God Honoring Parenting – Unit 3



Read your book selection from the recommended reading list:

  • “Shepherding Your Child’s Heart”, by Tedd Tripp
  • “Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens”, by Paul David Tripp
  • “Grace Based Parenting”, by Dr. Tim Kimmel
  • “How Children Raise Parents: The Art of Listening to Your Family”, by Dr. Dan Allender
  • “Don’t Make Me Count to Three”, by Ginger Plowman


Complete and hand in to your group leader – Semester II Spiritual Assessment


Leader Resources


  • Review the memory verse of the week and talk about how it relates to the Truth section.



  • Truth – You can discuss any of the in Bible questions you would like to address, but be sure to allow more time for discussion of the Equipping section. Here are some tips that may help:
    • Matthew 10:34-37; Luke 9:57-62 – Jesus is not preaching an anti-family message here. He is preaching that His mission takes priority. Try to engage your JG in a discussion of what this means for daily living. Ask your JG if Jesus is calling His followers to deliberately sacrifice their family relationships in the name of His kingdom.
    • Matthew 25:31-46 – Jesus identifies Himself as the one who receives service when His followers serve those in need.
    • Mark 10:35-45 – Be sure to point out that the path to greatness, servanthood, is a path that is 180° opposite to that of the world. Ask your JG what our society holds as the true path(s) to greatness.
    • Philippians 2:3-8 – Paul wants us to look at Jesus’ example of servanthood and learn to look outside ourselves, our needs and interests to the needs and interests of others. He is not saying we are less important than others, but he wants us to treat others as if they are more important. This way of viewing ourselves and others is a key part of adopting a missional attitude and pursuing missional living in our homes.
  • Truth – You will want to focus your discussion on these points:
    • Family maintenance can compete with a missional focus, thus preventing our homes from becoming all God intends them to be.
    • Both singles and married couples should take advantage of the circumstances that allow them to serve others in unique ways. Singles have the advantage of missionary mobility; couples have the advantage of multiple spiritual gifts.
    • Every family member has a God-given responsibility for other peoples’ well-being. ⇒ To serve others is to serve Christ; to neglect others is to neglect Christ.
    • Servanthood is the only path to human greatness.
  • Equipping – Spend the majority of your group time discussing ways to apply the principles contained in this material and the obstacles your JG struggles with. It’s important for your JG to learn how to massage the truth to make it usable.
  • Accountability – Allow time for smaller groups of 2 or 3 to ask accountability questions and pray for one another.
  • Mission – Invite a few of your JG members to share what they wrote in the Mission Activity Log. Challenge your JG to make at least one entry in their log and be prepared to discuss it during your meetings. You should also challenge them to consider pairing with an accountability partner to track their progress in missional living for the next 30 days. Of course, they will be more inclined to accept this challenge if you lead by example.