Flourishing Where you Live: Neighboring like Jesus

Flourishing Where you Live: Neighboring like Jesus

We must constantly keep the mission and purpose of the church in view. Experiences may vary, but no matter how missional churches long to be, the tendency drifts toward church activities and programs – and not enough on the mission the Lord has called us to in...
In Pursuit of a Life of Worship

In Pursuit of a Life of Worship

In this section, you will consider a critical question: What is the culture of the church? Or, to ask it another way: What common ground should the church find together? The Word of God leads us to answer that question with one word: worship. In this Journey Section...
Gospel Living

Gospel Living

Gospel Living is a six Unit Section where you’ll discover what the true gospel is, how it frees us, and how it calls us to embrace the pursuit of glory, grace, and truth. Jesus Christ is our one true hope of understanding and living out of glory, grace, and truth in...
The Sabbath and Sacraments

The Sabbath and Sacraments

God instituted the Lord’s Day to draw His people’s attention to their eternal destiny. The sacraments were instituted to be signs and seals of His covenant with His people. They are a means of His grace which strengthens our spiritual lives by providing us a tangible...
The Goodness of God

The Goodness of God

This section will equip you with some basic biblical theology regarding the nature of God as you explore God’s righteousness, love, and forgiveness by comparing several passages from the Old and New Testaments. In this Journey Section you will: Learn that God is the...