Biblical Theology

Biblical Theology

Biblical theology gives us an aerial view of God’s Word, allowing us to see how the pieces fit together, how the stories interrelate, and how the themes weave together to form one brilliant gospel tapestry. The one grand story the Bible tells is salvation history—the...
Working For the Lord

Working For the Lord

Many of us view work as something negative that we should avoid if at all possible. Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that work was beneath aristocracy—meant for slaves instead, so that the aristocracy could devote their time to leisure and debate. The Greek goal, if...
Advent: The Servant Songs of Isaiah

Advent: The Servant Songs of Isaiah

The season of advent is one of both celebration and expectation. We celebrate that Jesus has come, while we long for Him to come again. This unit focuses on a few sections of the book of Isaiah known as the “Servant Songs.” In this Journey Section you will: Learn how...
Rooted to Flourish

Rooted to Flourish

God designed His people to be in a vibrant relationship with Him, deeply rooted in Him, leading to a faith that flourishes. Life in a sinful, fallen world makes this extremely difficult. This section practically explains how Christians can live a life of rooted,...